“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”
-Dr Seuss, Oh The Places You'll Go

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Dear Nicole Arbour

Dear Nicole Arbour
I would like to first introduce myself; my name is Jordan, I'm 20 and I weigh 16 stone and 12 pounds. I don't even want to know what my BMI is but what I do know is that I am not happy with the way I look. However, saying that, I am on a weight loss journey. I have lost two stone in under two months and am, for once, looking forward to the rest of the journey that's yet to come. And, funnily enough, its a not a decision I made based on comments you decided to share to the world. 
I have been overweight for a couple of years, but truth is, I haven't been in the right mental state to actually begin losing weight until now. And that is something I believe to be half the problem people face. If your not in good place emotionally, then your weight loss can very easily turn into an eating disorder. And when people with a online following, such as yourself, create content which is by all definitions bullying, your creating more of a problem. I value the art of comedy, don't get me wrong, but what you have created is not that. Comedy is described as a 'professional entertainment consisting of jokes and sketches, intended to make an audience laugh.' Your video titled 'Dear Fat People', is neither professional nor entertaining, well it is laughable, but only because what you have developed is a video endorsing the bullying of people you have never met. 
I understand that obesity is a problem, and while the underlying message of your video is valid, the way you chose to convey that message was rude and uncalled for. Yes, people, like myself, do need to lose weight and it will affect their health and their life negatively to continue in a unhealthy lifestyle. Yet the way to promote weight loss is not to bully them into it, but to endorse healthy eating and exercise. Show people a better way of life through kindness and experience rather than, for lack of a better word, shame them into changing their lifestyle not for their wellbeing, but as a means of escaping bullies. That self hatred will only develop into an eating disorder, which is not the healthy way to lose weight. Just like there is a healthy way to lose weight, there is a healthy way to promote that too. 
Im sure this post won't reach you, but to the people it does reach, I hope that you have the confidence and support to begin a journey for yourselves. Don't ever begin changing the way you look or live you life for the purpose of pleasing someone you don't know or believe it to be okay to bully people they've never met. You each have your own story and its up to you to write your ending, not some self-entitled 'comedian' who believes its their duty to body shame you. I want to endorse a healthy life style, eating well and exercising and I know that kickstarting a change in your life is hard. I feel it every time I go to the gym and I'm sure I'm being judged by every person in there, when in fact, I am making a small change that will impact my life positively and that isn't something to be ashamed of. 
I wish each and everyone of you goo luck for your journey, and hope that you have the positivity in your life to start this journey. 

Thursday 26 March 2015

The one where I get all emotional

Hello all! 

A lot has happened in the last year... And I won't drone on about what but I'm actually pretty happy that they have! I am most definitely the person who would rather make a mistake and learn from it rather than have a perfect life and not know of sadness, loss, regret, guilt, anger and a whole range of emotions. 

A couple of days ago was Mother's Day, and I'm pretty traditional when it comes to public holidays and love spending it with my family! But having just got a new job I couldn't spend this one with my mum, so had to celebrate a couple of days earlier. This was the first Mother's Day I hadn't spent with her and it was a pretty emotional day. 

What you don't know is I've only ever known life an me and my mum. My grandparents and others of course but I made the decision early in not to be in contact with my dad, he hadn't done something major to make me hate him but spending time with him became an effort. He kept moving further and further away and he became less of a dad and more of a memory. I have very few memories of us together and will treasure them but am lucky that as I dawn on 21 I'm not regretting this decision. So my mum has been the be all and end all of everything I know and have been through. And it made me realise that in this pretty tough year, she's been the one to always be there. Regardless of how far away she is I can always count on her support. And I do regret not being able to spend as much time with her as I'd like, but I know that she wouldn't want to be the reason I hold back from doing things or Irving my own life. 

Another big transition in my life as been the passing through of many friends. I don't know what this one says about me but I genuinely lack a lifelong friend. Someone I've known for years and can always rely on. My mum has definitely been that person for me so when meeting new people I'm pretty laid back about the whole situation. I tend to take a step back and enjoy just spending effortless time together. So when things become an effort, I tend to get a bit defensive. When friends start picking apart tiny things that have happened I get a bit annoyed that that should matter. And in turn get a bit angry. And, in turn talk to them less and less. I suppose I'm just yet to find someone who has the same viewpoint. So have learnt to enjoy my own company :) 

So in all, I guess I want to say that it's okay. One day you will find the person who gets you and until then don't give up. Start doing new things that you enjoy and you may find that person there! You are never alone. Never. Whether it's your mum or dad that is that person for you someone out there is waiting to find you. And keep doing new and exciting things until you finally cross paths! That's what this journey for me is all about. And it's been an amazing journey so far :) 

We'll it's started to rain here in Greenwich park so it's time I found cover! 

Good luck for your journey! 

Love an pugs from a rainy London 
We'll hugs but pugs too 

J xx

Saturday 14 March 2015

The one where I give in!

Hello my lovelies! 
I would like to apologise if it may seem as though I have dropped off the face of the planet! I have recently started a new job and juggling my time between work and uni has been tough as I haven't had a day off in a month! And I know I've been promising a new post so much and have finally got the time and energy to write one! 

Monday 16 February 2015

The one when the film is better!

Hiya my loves...

This blog is a little different to others, its neither beauty nor lifestyle focused but indeed is something that is very much a controversial topic of conversation.
For as long as I can remember I have always considered books to be way better than their film adaptations and had yet to be corrected. What I always preferred was that I could read a book and imagine that character how I wanted them to be not what the casting director wanted them to look like. On some occasions they got it very right but in others completely wrong... I'm still hating the casting of the entire Twilight trilogy. But nonetheless the books are always more immersive and exciting to me, the thought of holding a copy of a good book gets me very excited!
On a completely unrelated note... thoughts on fifty shades if you've seen it? I was disappointed, and not because I think the book has literary credential, but behind all the kinky sex theres a pretty decent story line going on there! And, not to mention, whose not in love with Christian Grey? As for the film, I had low expectations (I was pretty much there for Jamie Dornan) but they jiggled too much of the chronology and that bugged me a little. But anyway... onwards...
I had read Cecelia Ahern's originally titled 'Where Rainbows End' or you may of seen it as 'Love Rosie'. I love Ahern as a writer, I own a lot of her books and PS I Love You will forever be a favourite! Very briefly, its about two childhood friends whose lives get very complicated and uncertain as they try to stay in touch... I hope I didn't give anything away! I didn't really rate the book. The book has a lot of twists and turns and the storyline is very complicated and you wouldn't expect half of it to happen when it does!  Its all in the format of emails and is a little difficult to get in to but I still managed to read it in three days! Then I found out that they had made a movie and finally got round to watching it today! First up, I loved the casting, it got better than Sam Claflin as Alex, but Tasmin Egerton as Sally was incredible and I loved seeing her in this film! They have very much simplified the story line to be a lot easier to follow and they skipped so much of the boring bits to make it less tedious! I would recommend the film this time and absolutely loved it, such a great story line too!
Let me know if there are any books/films that you have enjoyed one over the other, I would love to see what you guys think!
Love and hugs
J xx

PS, here is a pretty picture of Jamie Dornan just to keep you going
A beautiful specimen of a man

Thursday 29 January 2015

The one with the Benefit Roller Lash

Hello everyone!

First up, thank you for the support over the last blog post, I hope it helps you and helps with any confidence issues!

So... I got my hands on the Roller Lash by Benefit today! Ahhhh its so pretty so here goes a quick blog post on my thoughts!

Friday 23 January 2015

The one with the Liebster Award!

<a href="http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/13544429/?claim=upb93knxwcs">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>
I was nominated by the lovely Bébhinn to do this so without further a due I shall answer her questions and then you should go check out her blog! It's a good'un!

Photo Credit: www.agypsybreeze.com